WARMINGTON: This victim of TTC violence has a loud mic and mayoral candidates listening

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He’s a popular radio host, TV and movie actor and now the latest victim of a violent attacker on the TTC. 

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Sometimes a tweet jumps off the screen. 

“A guy took a swing at me at College Station. This has got to end,” tweeted John Moore. 

Woah. That’s my friend there. He’s a lot of people’s friend since he’s one of the most popular radio morning hosts in Canada. Coming on the heels of so many other TTC attacks including the stabbing murder of Gabriel Magalhaes , the immediate reaction is to reach out to the Newstalk 1010 morning man. 

So many did. Premier Doug Ford was one. Mayoral candidates Councillor Brad Bradford and Anthony Furey were others.  

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John was OK. But it was close. 

“Walking from Active Green and Ross to College station there was a guy dancing and shouting on the corner. Someone spread across the steps at College station and then five TTC workers outside the old ticket booth engaging a guy who seemed agitated,” said Moore. “I tapped my card and when the gates opened, he came lunging at me with his first up.” 


Moore was unable to get through. 

“I stepped back and he got tangled in the gate.” 

When Moore tried to go in a second time, “because my card had been tapped I was declined on another gate while trying to get away from him.” Then “one of the TTC people leapt over and pressed a button and it opened.” 

This time the person lunging at a TTC passenger didn’t make contact and because he didn’t, there doesn’t seem to be any repercussions. The system, in my view, shouldn’t wait for a person to make physical contact before charging them. Who knows what could have happened if he had actually struck Moore? Who knows if he had a knife? There have been many stabbings and violent attacks resulting in major injuries or death on the TTC in recent months it’s not a stretch.

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“I honestly don’t know what’s going on in this town,” said Moore. “I’m fine but more convinced than ever that something needs to change.” 

He, and many others, been saying that for the past year.

But the powers that be seem to have no answer for it. There are so many homeless people, many with serious dependency issues or mental health challenges, that they have essentially turned the TTC into a rolling shelter and unsafe drug taking delivery site. 


Many people appear in a zombie-like state and can be unpredictable. There are so many examples of attacks. The city deployed extra police this winter but the cost added up and it has morphed back into being like the wild west. The good news is it happened at the beginning of the by-election to replace John Tory as mayor which thanks to Moore’s powerful microphone has made this a campaign issue.

 “Everyone I speak to is now afraid for their safety,” said Furey. “We need to move away from injection sites and towards more treatment. If we get these people off of drugs it not only helps them reclaim their lives, it makes our streets safer.” 

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Bradford tweeted “our city has seen enough of this crisis on the TTC. It’s time we ensure safe trips for all riders.” 

John was OK. But it was close. 

Thankfully Moore wasn’t hurt. But as I conveyed to him, with no robust investigation into it, I bet that guy who tried to hurt him is back on TTC today.

 I wonder who his next victim may be?